Author Guest of Honor: SEANAN MCGUIRE

Seanan McGuire writes things.  All kinds of things. She writes books, novellas, and short stories, and thanks to them, has won multiple major genre awards, including the Hugo, Nebula, and Campbell.  She is also a two-time recipient of the Alex Award, which makes her mother very proud. As Mira Grant, Seanan writes biomedical science fiction thrillers, which sounds fancy, doesn't it?  If that wasn't enough, Seanan also writes for Marvel Comics, and is the current writer of Spider-Gwen: Ghost Spider, as well as the writer of various X-Men one shots. She feels this justifies many of her childhood financial choices.  Seanan lives in the Pacific Northwest with her collection of very large cats, very creepy dolls, and remarkably specific Overwatch merchandise. Keep up with her at her website,, or on Twitter as @seananmcguire. Pre-order Seanan/s books for pickup at Multiverse here!


  • Wayward Children series

  • October Daye series

  • InCryptid Series

  • Newsflesh & Parasitology series (as Mira Grant)

  • Middlegame (novel, 2019)

  • X-Men Black: Mystique

  • Spider-Gwen: Ghost Spider series

  • X-Men Black: Nightcrawler


  • New York Times Bestselling Author

  • Hugo Award Winner

  • Nebula Award Winner

  • John W. Campbell Award Winner

  • Earned a record five Hugo Award nominations in a single year (2013)

  • Two-time Alex Award Winner

Artist Guest of Honor: JOHN PICACIO

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JOHN PICACIO is one of the most acclaimed American artists in science fiction and fantasy over the last decade, creating best-selling art for George R. R. Martin's A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE series, as well as the STAR TREK and X-MEN franchises. Major clients include Penguin Random House, Tor Books, HarperCollins, Scholastic, Simon & Schuster, Subterranean Press, Pyr, Baen Books, Dark Horse Comics, and many more. His body of work features major cover illustrations for authors such as Michael Moorcock, Harlan Ellison, Brenda Cooper, James Dashner, Frederik Pohl, Dan Simmons, Mark Chadbourn, Sheri S. Tepper, James Tiptree, Jr., Lauren Beukes, Jeffrey Ford, Joe R. Lansdale, and many, many more. His accolades include two Hugo Awards, eight Chesley Awards, two Locus Awards, two International Horror Guild Awards, the World Fantasy Award, and the Inkpot Award. In 2012, he founded his own creative imprint, Lone Boy, which became the launchpad for his Loteria Grande cards, a bold contemporary re-imagineering of the classic Mexican game of chance. In 2018, he became only the third person in 76 years to serve as Guest of Honor and Hugo Awards Master of Ceremonies at the same Worldcon. For more, please visit

Industry Guest of Honor: CAT RAMBO

Nebula, Endeavour, and World Fantasy nominee Cat Rambo lives, writes, and teaches on a hill in Seattle. Since appearing on the scene in 2005, Rambo has produced over 200 short stories, six collections, two novels, a cookbook, and two books on writing, as well as editing multiple anthologies and Fantasy Magazine. A frequent volunteer and two-term President with the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, she is also the creator of online school The Rambo Academy for Wayward Writers, allowing students across the world to connect with some of the best teachers in F&SF today.


(in alphabetical order)